Effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis in men

Prostatitis is an acute or chronic disease of the prostate characterized by inflammation of the organ. Symptoms in the acute form include fever, chills, fever, cramps when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and scrotum. The chronic form of the disease usually progresses without noticeable symptoms. Therapy for acute prostatitis consists of the use of drugs. In rare cases, surgery is required. Chronic prostatitis can be effectively treated with both drugs and folk remedies.

Medication for acute prostatitis

Drugs for prostatitis

Acute prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland caused by an infection. The disease is characterized by the occurrence of prostate edema and the formation of purulent foci in its tissues.

The following groups of drugs are used for treatment:

  • Antibiotics.Medicines are the main weapon in the fight against prostatitis. To choose the right drug, you need to find out which microorganism caused the prostatitis. It is necessary to prepare a bacterial culture from the prostate juice. The duration of therapy is about a month or more. The main classes of antibiotics in the treatment of the prostate are: beta-lactams, fluoroquinolones, macrolides.
  • Muscle relaxers.Used to relax pelvic floor muscles and urinary tract. This will help reduce pain and normalize urine.
  • Diuretics.The use of drugs in this class is intended to ensure complete excretion of urine. Alpha-1 blockers are prescribed with complex therapy.
  • Anticonvulsants.Medications in this class are used to relax vascular smooth muscle, which activates blood microcirculation, relieves pain, and improves the release of prostate secretions.

When choosing a drug, don’t indulge in aggressive ads that prescribe prostatitis with expensive imported drugs. It should be understood that cheap drugs are not inferior to foreign analogues because the efficacy of the treatment is affected by the active ingredient of the drug rather than the trade name and brightly colored packaging.

Chronic Disease Control

Treatment of prostatitis with medications consists of prescribing analgesics, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and steroidal medications.

Antibiotics should be included in the treatment of the disease.

Lifestyle changes play a special role in the fight against chronic prostatitis: streamlining diet, giving up bad habits, increasing physical activity, avoiding stressful situations.

Popular drugs for prostate therapy

There are many different classes of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis today. However, patients and doctors prefer certain medications.

The list of top drugs looks like this:

  • Medicinal product whose main substance is Serenoa plant extract. The substance prevents further proliferation of prostate tissues, reduces bladder pressure, facilitates the urination process and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The effect of the use of the drug is manifested in the improvement of urination and the general condition of man. The medicine is taken once a day, the duration of which is determined by your doctor.
  • Animal medicine used to treat chronic prostatitis. The drug has a broad spectrum of action: it shows organotropic (selective) properties to the prostate, reduces prostate edema and leukocyte infiltration, normalizes secretory function and activates bladder tone. The drug activates the microcirculation of the prostate gland by inhibiting thrombus formation, preventing the development of venous thrombosis in the prostate. The candles turn on quickly. They are used in both chronic manifestations of the disease and in the recovery period after prostate surgery. The medicine is used with one candle a day. The duration of the recording is 10 days. Side effects of the drug may include itching of the anus.
  • A drug that affects the disease by reducing prostate swelling, activating the blood supply in the pelvic region. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, increases the tone of the prostate and bladder, improves immunity. It is prepared in the form of injections or rectal suppositories. The suppositories should be inserted into the anus twice a day. The duration of the course is 7-10 days.
  • A drug whose therapeutic effect is based on the inhibition of the male sex hormone testosterone on prostate tissue growth. The production of dihydrotestosterone decreases, which contributes to a reduction in prostate size. This makes it easier to urinate. The tablets are taken in one dose a day. The drug is a long-term drug. The duration of therapy should be at least six months.
  • A drug in the class of "antibiotics" that is prescribed to treat acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis. They are prepared in the form of a powder for solution for injection and in the form of tablets having bactericidal properties against staphylococci, streptococci and other gram-positive bacteria. In the form of tablets the drug is consumed every five hours at 0, 5-1 grams.
  • It is a medicine in the form of capsules with a modified release of the active substance. The drug is prescribed for dysuric disorders and benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis. Contraindications to the use of the drug are liver disease. Take the medicine by mouth immediately after breakfast, drinking plenty of fluids. The dose is one capsule once a day.
  • A herbal medicine that is not a medicine. In fact, it is a fast-acting, complex natural remedy consisting of extracts of ginseng, saffron leuzea, yellow zelenchuk, goji berries, Potentilla erectus, sage and Caucasian discorea. Thanks to the active ingredients, the drug increases sexual desire, erection and normalizes blood circulation in the affected area. This leads to the elimination of prostate congestion and the restoration of lost functions of the urogenital system. The therapeutic effect is also manifested in the improvement of the male emotional state, which is important for prostatitis. As a result, self-confidence increases and sleep normalizes. The big advantage is the lack of side effects.

Prostate massage

Prostate massage

In addition to medications and folk remedies, treatment of prostatitis should be accompanied by prostate massage. The procedure is recommended to be performed by a qualified professional in a medical institution.

The massage is performed as follows:

  1. The man takes the position of the knee-elbow and relaxes the pelvic floor muscles as much as possible.
  2. The doctor puts on gloves and places his index finger in the anus.
  3. The specialist examines the anterior wall of the rectum. Once you find your prostate, your doctor will apply gentle pressure.

This procedure triggers the release of glandular secretions into the urethra. After performing a prostate massage, it is advisable to perform tests to determine the dynamics of the disease.

An important positive effect of prostate massage is the improvement of the blood circulation of the prostate gland, which leads to an increase in its protective properties and activation of the regeneration processes of the organ.

Fighting prostatitis at home

Treating prostatitis is a lengthy process. In this regard, not only drugs but also alternative treatments are effective in treating the disease. At home, the most popular way to treat prostatitis is to use herbal tinctures and decoctions.

Effective treatments for prostatitis:

    Celandine broth
  • .Folk medicine can be used both at the same time as and after the completion of drug therapy. The soup is prepared as follows: pour 150 grams of dry grass with 1 liter of boiling water and let it cook for a few hours. After filtration through cheesecloth, about 300 grams of honey are added to the composition and 20-30 grams are consumed on the eve of each food intake. Positive results are noticeable after a few days of recording.
  • Pumpkin Seeds. The healing effect of pumpkin seeds is due to their high zinc content. To achieve a therapeutic effect, 50-70 grams of seeds should be consumed daily. Another way to consume pumpkin seeds is a pumpkin ball. To prepare them, 0, 5 kilograms of raw seeds should be ground in a blender and add 300 grams of honey. You can then roll up small balls of the resulting mixture and use several pieces a day.
  • Peanut infusion.Good help in the complex treatment of prostatitis due to the presence of a large number of trace elements and tannins. The infusion has a tonic effect and increases immunity. Bark or hazelnut leaves are used to make medicinal broth. You can use two parts of the plant at the same time. The preparation is prepared as follows: 30 grams of crushed dry bark or leaves are cooked in a thermos with 300 ml of boiling water and allowed to infuse for 10-12 hours. The broth is then filtered through a filter and 50 ml is drunk on each meal.
  • Poplar bark tincture.The healing properties of poplar bark are the same as those of hazelnut bark - due to the high trace element and tannin content of the plant. To prepare the tincture, 85 grams of dry crushed bark are placed in a 0. 5 liter glass jar and 250 ml of vodka or alcohol is added. The time required to infuse the medicinal product is 14-16 days. Drink 1-2 teaspoons of tincture on the eve of each meal.
  • Parsley.The plant is able to relieve inflammation of the prostate gland and normalize the urogenital system. These properties of parsley are responsible for the high levels of vitamins, trace elements, organic acids and other compounds in the plant. For example, 100 grams of parsley contains two daily servings of provitamin A, and vitamin C is almost four times more than in lemon. In addition, parsley contains inulin, a natural analogue of insulin. The substance is capable of lowering blood sugar. Parsley juice should be taken with 20 milliliters before each meal. Parsley seeds can be used to make a medicinal decoction. To do this, grind 60 grams of seeds in a blender and pour a glass of boiling water. After two hours of infusion, the broth should be filtered and 20-30 milliliters should be consumed before each meal.
  • Kalanchoe tincture.The healing properties of the plant have two ways to treat prostatitis: by making Kalanchoe tincture and by making a decoction. The tincture is made by mixing 100 grams of crushed leaves and 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. After three weeks, the tincture is ready for use. Only the composition cheeseclothen should be filtered. They drink 10 to 15 milliliters of healing fluid each evening. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months.
  • brothfrom chestnut peel.Chestnuts are used in folk medicine as a tonic, immunomodulatory agent. Of particular importance is the normal functioning of the body’s immune system in the fight against prostatitis. To prepare the healing tincture, use the crushed peel of ripe chestnuts in an amount of 40 grams / 0. 5 liters of water. The shell is poured with boiling water in a thermos and adhered to for 10-12 hours, then the composition is filtered through cheesecloth and soaked in 20-30 milliliters on the eve of each meal.

Softwood baths

Herbs can be used at home to treat prostatitis. The materials in the needles are effective in relieving inflammation, relaxing and soothing. You can use a ready-made pharmacy infusion to prepare the bath, or you can prepare it yourself.

To prepare the infusion, boil 500 grams of pine needles with 2 liters of boiling water and allow to cook for 2-3 hours. The composition is then filtered through a cheesecloth and poured into a water bath. The water temperature should be between 36-38 degrees. The duration of the bath is 20-25 minutes.

Microcrystals from Prostatitis

Microcrystals with warm mineral or hydrogen sulfide water should be used to treat prostatitis. The procedure is carried out by taking 40 ml of medicinal water into a rubber bulb and introducing it into the rectum. We recommend that you keep the fluid in the gut for as long as possible.

Propolis oil microcycles also have pronounced healing properties. It is recommended to use sea buckthorn, rosehip, plantain oils. For one process, 30 milligrams of purified propolis should be mixed with 100 grams of warm oil. Heat the preparation in a water bath to 80 degrees and allow to cool. After cooling, strain through cheesecloth and use as directed. After the procedure, the result appears almost immediately - the pain is reduced and the urination process is restored. Propolis and oils are effective anti-inflammatory substances, increase the body's protective properties, effectively destroy the harmful microflora.

Treating prostatitis is a long and difficult process. It is not enough to use drugs and folk remedies alone to achieve a positive result. Lifestyle changes need to be radically changed: giving up cigarettes and alcohol, balancing the diet, avoiding stressful conditions, hypothermia and normalizing sex life.