List and reviews of prostatitis injections

injections for prostatitis in men

Prostatitis injections are the most effective dosage forms. Injections work on the lesion much faster than tablets or suppositories. But treatment with prostatitis injections is prescribed for special indications and also has a number of contraindications.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Prostatitis Injections

To understand what is better for suppositories, tablets, or injections for prostatitis, you should consider the benefits of injections:

  • Performance.The active ingredients enter the bloodstream immediately, reaching the focus of inflammation within 5-10 minutes. It takes more time to dissolve the tablets and suppositories. The tablets work for a particularly long time, as they must first pass through the digestive system, be absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Ability to dispense accurately.During injection, the full required concentration of the drug enters the bloodstream. When tablets are used, some of the active substances are killed by stomach enzymes.
  • Easy to implement.Injections can be given regardless of the patient's condition. For example, when a patient suffers from vomiting and is unable to take pills.

Disadvantages of injecting:

  • The need for the help of a health professional.
  • Trouble and pain of the procedure.
  • Risk of infection at the injection site.
  • Improper injection is likely to have negative consequences, such as redness, inflammation, or a purulent process.

So injections are much more effective than other dosage forms in exacerbating prostatitis, but are inconvenient for self-medication.

When an injection is prescribed for prostatitis

Prostatitis injections in men are mainly used in the acute form of pathology. It is accompanied by severe symptoms such as severe pain and difficulty urinating. Such manifestations significantly impair the patient's quality of life and therefore require immediate cessation.

In addition to the acute type of inflammation of the prostate, injections may be prescribed:

  • is ​​a chronic form of prostatitis if it is of bacterial origin;
  • blood stagnation in the small pelvis;
  • severe erectile dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • circulatory failures in the lumbar region;
  • Infectious lesions of organs adjacent to the prostate gland.

Injections are often given after surgery in the urinary system.

What injections are given for prostatitis

Prostatitis injections are prescribed differently depending on the cause of the disease and the existing symptoms. The treating physician should select groups of drugs, self-medication by injection is strictly prohibited to avoid aggravation of the disease.


antibiotic injections for prostatitis

Antibacterial injections are designed to fight pathogenic microorganisms that cause an inflammatory process in the prostate. By killing the bacteria, the drugs help restore the affected tissues of the prostate gland.

It is important to understand that antibiotic treatment should be conducted strictly in courses. Even if the patient feels better, all symptoms have disappeared, the number of injections prescribed has yet to be completed. Otherwise, therapy is considered deficient, the pathology returns, and is more likely to become chronic.


Prostatitis pain injection in men is usually prescribed as an acute form of pathology because it is accompanied by severe painful feelings. Such injections are used when the syndrome is so severe that the patient cannot go to the toilet completely or even sit or move.

Such drugs eliminate pain syndrome, normalize the condition of prostate tissue, relieve cramps. But their long-term use is not allowed. The average duration of therapy is 1-3 days.


immunomodulators are designed to support the immune system. It is more often used in the chronic form of prostatitis when the body is no longer able to fight pathogenic microorganisms on its own.

It is worth noting that doctors are still debating the appropriateness of using immunomodulators. The effects of such drugs on the body are thought to be unpredictable. Ideally, the treating physician should perform immunological tests before prescribing them.


Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate. The main effect should be applied during treatment. Therefore, anti-inflammatory drugs are a major component of therapy.

Doctors prefer injections for chronic and acute prostatitis such as Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. They are able to quickly relieve inflammation as well as eliminate pain and fever.


In case of inflammation, the prostate tissue swells. Decongestant injections can normalize their condition. Their active component is testicular hyaluronidase, which is obtained from bovine testes.

Medications soften connective tissues, improve blood flow, relieve swelling of the prostate gland, and prevent scarring. The therapy course is 10 injections per day for 10 days.

Hot injections

what injections treat prostatitis in men

The use of hot injections to treat prostatitis in men involves the injection of a special drug into the bloodstream. This name was given to the injections because after them the patient feels a strong heat wave all over the body. The substance helps to alleviate inflammation and eliminate symptoms of the disease.

It should be noted that skin contact may cause tissue damage. The dosage is determined by your doctor. If not followed, nausea, sudden drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness may occur.

Aloe injections

Among the cheap and effective injections for prostatitis are aloe injections, which help to achieve the following result:

  • improves blood circulation in the small pelvis, reduces blood viscosity, which eliminates congestion, normalizes the nutrition of prostate tissues;
  • to kill pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation in the prostate. Therefore, injections are often given in combination with antibiotic therapy to enhance the effect of antibiotics;
  • get rid of inflammation of the affected organ;
  • strengthens the immune system, which accelerates the healing of men.

Aloe injections are prescribed at a dose of 1 ml per day. The duration of treatment is one month. If necessary, repeat the course after a 2-week break. In case of chronic inflammation of the prostate, 3-4 months of therapy is recommended.

Contraindications to the appointment of injections

Even the best injections of prostatitis have some contraindications, depending on the drug. Of the general prohibitions for all injections, we can highlight the atrophy of muscle tissue, damage to the skin and subcutaneous fat at the injection site. If you do not take into account the contraindications, there is a risk of developing or worsening various diseases and an allergic reaction.

So, in the treatment of prostatitis, the injections are given in an acute form when the rapid symptoms of the disease need to be stopped quickly. In other cases, rectal suppositories and tablets are used.