How to treat prostatitis in men — tips and advice

Prostatitis is a complicated and very sensitive issue, for all people, especially the shy and fear of this diagnosis, therefore, postpone the visit to the doctor. However, we know that the earlier treatment is started, the more chances to achieve positive results and over the years to live a full life. Treatment of prostatitis requires a comprehensive approach to get rid of the symptoms of this disease and to avoid complications, you should consult with a doctor and do not self heal.

the diagnosis of prostatitis

The diagnosis of prostatitis

Before you start treatment of prostatitis that every man should be screened. This is necessary to determine the cause and form of the illness. The diagnosis usually does not cause problems for the urologist, therefore, is the possibility of setting the wrong diagnosis and prescribing the incorrect treatment is negligible.

Diagnostic procedures for prostatitis, it takes some discomfort and discomfort to the patient, but without them, unfortunately, impossible.

After collecting the medical history and General overview, the urologist performs a digital rectal examination of the prostate and the secrets of the gland for analysis. In the acute form of the disease, this procedure may cause not only patient discomfort, but also pain. The Prostate secretion is sent to the lab for analysis, which allows to establish a form of the disease (infectious prostatitis or abacterial). If the biological material is discovered the causative agent of the disease, to determine its sensitivity to antibiotics, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment and may shorten its duration.

If necessary, the finger examination supplemented by ultrasound examination of the prostate, which allows the visualization and to accurately determine its status. An ultrasound of the prostate can be done in two ways: the transabdominal (through the abdominal wall) and transrectal (through the rectum).

Transabdominal method, which does not cause the patient any discomfort, but informative and it is much worse the second method. With this access, the physician can determine the parameters of the glands, however, is to obtain information about the condition of the prostate, it is impossible. Nevertheless, the Transabdominal method is used for protegendo diagnosis.

Transrectal ultrasound (CONSCIENCE) of the prostate is a very informative method of examination, because the ultrasonic transducer is separated from the tissue of the prostate only, the ampoule of the rectum. Thanks to modern devices, this procedure has minimal discomfort for the patient, and the use of high-frequency transducers allows the physician to see even very small changes in the structure of the tissue of the prostate.

A blood test for PSA (prostatic specific antigen)

massage prostate

Prostatic specific antigen – a substance that is produced by the prostate gland, while its level in the blood, the doctor may suspect the disease of the prostate, including prostatitis. Normal value of PSA is 4 ng/ml. a blood test is not only diagnostic examination method (recommended every year take the test for men over 50), but it also helps the doctor to assess the effectiveness of treatment of prostate disease.

Treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of acute prostatitis and acute exacerbation of chronic forms of this disease, is performed in accordance with similar systems. With adequate therapy leads to complete healing of acute prostatitis or to achieve long-term remission in the chronic form of the illness.

Treatment with antibiotics

Selection of medications approved for the treatment of prostatitis, must be made by the physician based on the results of the tests. Wrongly prescribed antibiotic therapy can cause the emergence of resistance in the pathogen, which are causing prostatitis, to medications, which will greatly complicate further treatment and may contribute to the transition of acute prostatitis in the chronic form. If the patient just before the start of treatment of prostatitis have been taking all antibiotics for about one disease, it is necessary to inform the doctor.

A course of antibiotics for prostatitis may last for more than 2-3 weeks, but cut short when relief of symptoms is impossible, and to reduce the dose of the assigned drug, and to change the system his answer.

Detoxification therapy and receive analgesics may be necessary in severe acute prostatitis. In such cases, the treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Local treatment

Physical therapy

Physiotherapy improves trophic prostate tissue and accelerate the healing process. Possible to use the following methods of physiotherapy: transrectal microwave affordable by means of, diadynamophoresis, laser therapy, ultrasound phonophoresis.

Candles for prostatitis

candles in the treatment of prostatitis

Rectal suppositories for treatment of prostatitis are very effective because they contain active ingredients come into the forefront of the inflammation in the largest concentrations. Candles may contain antispasmodic, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use is often recommended by the doctor and for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis.

The most popular rectal suppositories with propolis, and buckthorn Ichthyol candles and tapers, which include peptides derived from the prostate.

Massage Prostate

This procedure is one of the most effective methods of treatment for prostatitis. Thanks to her, has accumulated in the prostate, the secret squeezed out of her, and then independently discharged through the urethra. In addition, massage of the prostate improves blood flow in the tissues of the glands that increases the effectiveness of antibiotics and local therapy.

Performs the massage of the prostate in the acute phase of inflammation is contraindicated, as it may lead to the spread of infection. The procedure is performed with the subsidence of acute inflammatory phenomena. Unfortunately, this treatment gives many patients the physical and moral discomfort, but to refuse is not always is worth it.

Correction of immunity

Strengthening of immunity is required for each patient who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the prostate. The good immune status of the body, which will help prevent the development of chronic forms of the disease. Patients are encouraged, strengthens the body's resistance to disease using natural methods (hardening, physical activity in the fresh air), natural immunomodulators (lemongrass, echinacea, Eleutherococcus, ginseng), and synthetic multivitamin complexes.

Surgical treatment of prostatitis is necessary in rare cases, when an abscess of the prostate, or strictures (narrowing) of the urethra.

consultation with the physician

In addition to treatment with medications men who suffer from this disease, you need to change your way of life and eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of acute or exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, waste from alcohol and lead a sedentary life. Young men who lead an active sexual life, prevention of infections that are transmitted sexually, with the use of barrier contraceptives (condoms).

What doctor to address

Prostatitis cure urologist. Detection of infectious agent, which caused inflammation, and possible consultation of the venereologist'. Additional aid in the treatment of diseases may have a physical therapist and immunologist.